As of December 31st 2012, we are averaging a success rate of 71%. Almost 3 out of 4 people treated by Energy Healer Kurt Peterson, will go into a complete remission. defines remission as "No evidence of disease". This is determined by blood markers or scans. This calculation is based on all clients that Kurt treated between January 1st, 2009 and December 31st, 2012. No other healer, whether energy or licensed physician, has a higher success rate by percentage! Kurt holds the undisputed world record. All clients are followed for one year after treatment. A recorded file, with before and after medical reports, is established with each and every client.
Energy Healing as an alternative cancer treatment. What is it?
Energy healing is a term that is used to describe many ways to 'heal' someone with the use of the practitioners' own energy, or the energy from around them. In terms of cancer treatment, it can be equated to a natural form of radiation. While this 'radiation' can be difficult to measure with modern devices, we know that it works. I myself use energy healing to alter and destroy cancerous cells in the body while doing little or no harm to the healthy cellular structure. In March of 2009, I developed and coined the term "DNA Signature Destruction Method" (T.M.) which is a method where I can cause direct destruction and cell apoptosis to a tumor area. Having worked as an energy healer since 1999 and then developing this method, I have become the 'go to' healer for cancer. To date, I have helped to put over 1,200 clients into complete remission.
There has been and still is, much debate as to what energy healing is, and isn't. It certainly isn't a miracle method, nor is it effective in every illness that it's used on. Because of the many different methods, it's been difficult to define over the years. Going back thousands of years, we know that native North and South Americans as well as groups from the Asian culture, have utilized energy healing as a primary treatment for dozens of different diseases. Even today in many eastern and western cultures, energy healing is a powerful adjunct to traditional methods. We are now seeing many hospitals worldwide bringing on board energy healers to assist with patients. I believe within a decade every hospital in the U.S. will employ healers, especially when it comes to the treatment of a serious disease, such as cancer.
I believe I've put together the most comprehensive energy healing treatment protocol available. Out of the dozens of alternative treatment methods for cancer, energy healing is by far the most effective. As of January, 2013, no other healer has put more cancer clients into remission than I have. I don't just say this either, my result rates were audited by Pac West insurance from 2007 to 2011. If you or a loved one has been diagnosed with cancer and conventional treatments just aren't working, then contact me for immediate information on how I can help!
Q. Who can contact Kurt for treatment?
A. Anyone with a stage lll or lV diagnosis of cancer. The only cancer that he doesn't treat is bladder cancer. The main cancer he treats and which has the highest success rate is lung cancer, followed by liver cancer. Cancer responds extremely well to his DNA Signature Destruction method so he sticks with that. For all other diseases besides cancer, we will recommend you to another healer that we have worked with and trust.
Q. How do I set up an appointment to see Kurt?
A. Look at the schedule page and find a date and location that will work for you. Contact Ms. Mina Reed through the contact page to innitiate the process. She will let you know if the date is still available and how to proceed. Only when a firm date has been set will the deposit be due. Sometime before the session date, Kurt will call to speak with each client.
Q..Where are the sessions held?
A. Kurt books a hotel suite in the city he is working in. This suite is where each client will spend a ten hour day being treated by Kurt. Any client can bring a friend or relative with them. Lunch and snacks will be provided during the course of the day.
Q. What if Kurt isn't in a city that is near me, or what if I need to see him quickly?
A. Kurt will travel to most clients' home cities as long as there is an airport there. These types of sessions start at $11.000 and can go as high as $15,500 depending on the location and travel time.
Q. After the session ends, will I be cured?
A. It typically takes three months (87 days) for a full remission. Some people heal quicker and others longer. As of December 31st, 2012 Kurt is averaging a 72% success rate by one year and a 62% success rate at the 5 year mark. People who don't go into remission, typically get some benefit from the treatment which adds quality and quantity of life.
Q. Then what?
A. Worldwide Energy Care, INC. will follow all clients for one year. This is done through a series of questionnaires that are sent via email. Followup calls are also done for some cases. WEC Inc, is Kurt's corporation and wholly owns as well as the technical knowledge of the DNA Signature Destruction Method. No other healer can claim this method unless trained by Kurt.
Q. Why are the costs so high?
A. Typical cancer treatment costs about $225,000 for the life of the patient, some more and some less. Kurt's fee of $7,500 covers all of his costs including staff, travel, hotel, food, advertising, etc... At the end of the year Kurt earns almost the same as a U.S. Oncologist, board certified, with 20 years experience. This is what the fee is based on. Kurt usually treats 90 to 120 clients per year and is on the road for five months.
Q. My relative/friend/doctor has told me not to waste my time or money with this type of treatment. They said that it doesn't work very well. What about that?
A. 8% of Kurt's clients are medical doctors with about one third of those being oncologists. Doctors are not allowed to discuss or promote energy healing unless they want to cause friction at their place of work from the higher ups. Pharmaceutical companys have a vested interest in making sure that nothing else competes with them. For this, they get about a 20% success rate. As mentioned above, Kurt averages 72%. There are currently major hospitals all over the world who are beginning to utilize energy healers for cancer. To name just a few out of the hundreds; Stanford Medical Palo Alto, Children's hospital Chicago, and hopefully soon C.T.C.A.
Q. Okay, I've read everything and researched energy healing on the web, but I'm still not convinced. Can you convince me?
A. Energy healing is not for everyone. Many of Kurt's clients come to him only after running out of options with conventional treatments. Kurt is trying to change this and promote energy healing as a first line treatment. The vast majority of Kurt's clients are professionals such as doctors, teachers, small business owners, and anyone else who won't take no for an answer and will do what it takes to beat this disease. Kurt believes this mindset is part of the reason his success rates are so high. Every client coming to see Kurt should want to be there. Everybodys thoughts, attitudes, beliefs, etc... have a direct effect on health and happiness.
When conventional medicine has nothing left to offer, there IS Kurt Peterson!
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