Monday, 14 April 2014

Defiant nurse loses her standing over alt med cancer treatments

This lady is defiant about everything and has an issue with authority. She’s also wrong a lot. Therefore, she has been banned from practicing nursing in Australia. She was running a beauty salon anyway where she administered dangerous cancer treatments.
Ban for nurse who used ‘dangerous alternative’ cancer treatments.
The whistleblower nurse who made unsubstantiated claims of corruption at two south-west Sydney hospitals will be suspended or banned from nursing after a tribunal found she administered potentially dangerous “alternative” cancer treatments to at least three patients, including her brother.
Ms Fraser went on twice to stand as the Liberal candidate for the state seat of Macquarie Fields and opened a beauty clinic, called Skin Deep, in Narellan.
It was at this clinic that she gave a seriously ill man, who had testicular cancer, an unorthodox cancer therapy called Insulin Potentiation Therapy, or IPT.
The Health Care Complaints Commission [...] prosecuted Ms Fraser for treating three cancer patients with alternative therapies without supervision of a doctor between 2008 and 2010.
She claims she worked with a man she thought was a doctor. The commission said that wasn’t enough diligence.
Her brother had been diagnosed with non-Hodgkin lymphoma stage IV which, according to an oncologist he saw twice, was treatable. However, Ms Fraser obtained prescriptions for high doses of vitamins and the chemotherapy drug bleomycin and administered them to her brother prompting accusations that she discouraged him from conventional treatment by qualified professionals. Her brother died in 2012. It appears that Fraser was of these belief that these treatments were viable alternatives for cancer. They are not. Sometimes, the hubris…is incredible.
Her whistleblowing scandal regarding patients dying unnecessarily and cover-ups was big news in 2005. She had been treated for depression and stress over it and underwent counseling.

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