Friday 14 March 2014

Walk a Mile in Their Shoes

In public conversations, before I even begin explaining the cure for cancer, I often get asked, "Why hasn't modern medicine discovered this?" and "Why doesn't my doctor know about this?" Modern medicine DID discover it, and odds are that your doctor will only listen to what the AMA tells them to do, so he'll never know about it, but the people that pose these questions do so BEFORE I even begin explaining it, which means they really don't want an answer. For many people, it's easier to believe that everyone is 'good', and that they can trust their doctors on everything, but the Bible warns us not to be respecters of persons. (i.e. Someone who gives respect to title, rather than facts.)
(Read "Why are Christians Respecting Persons?" here at for more details.)
But if ye have respect to persons, ye commit sin, and are convinced of the law as transgressors.
-James 2:9
Let's imagine for a moment you are a medical doctor. You studied for 8 years in a college that put you in $100,000+ in debt and trained you in pharmaceuticals. You know your chemical combinations and dosages, when the average person doesn't even know the period table of elements. You have had your own practice for years, and are now a trusted source for medical advise by your community and your peers. You have come to trust the American Medical Association's recommendations, and believe they do wonderful, life-saving work. You believe that the cure for cancer is still a mystery to modernized medical science.

Put yourself into that prestigious position, and now imagine that I, without your extensive degree and experience in the medical field, come to you and say I know of the cure for cancer, and it's growing on a tree in my backyard. If you will think about it honestly, and put yourself into their shoes, your pride and respect for your position would be so great, you wouldn't listen to me for five seconds before laughing smugly and giving your advice that a simplton like me better be careful not to get involved in quackery.

The problem here is twofold: pride and money. Please don't take this the wrong way: There are many wonderful physicians out there who do great work and save lives, and I'm not saying every doctor out there does things out of pride and for the money, but the mass majority today have been brainwashed so deep into pharmaceuticals, and have their egos so far stretched, that the average house-wives of those physcians know more about health and nutrional care than their husbands.
(See "The United Vacci-Nations" for details on the focus of drugs and pharmaceuticals, rather than health and well-being.)

When I say that doctors are in it for the money, we often immediately think of someone who is looking to pay for his brand-new BMW and three-story home, and though those types of doctors do exist, the majority I have personally seen are not like that. There are many that simply refuse to investigate/research any possibility that goes against the AMA, because if they do, they will be shunned out of their practice, and banished from ever practicing medicine again in the U.S., losing all the years and hundreds of thousands of dollars of investments and schooling they had to go through to get where they are, and the risk is just too high to sacrifice all that for the health and well-being of people they don't even know.

I know we hate thinking of others in that way, but the truth of the matter is that those who would sacrifice their lives to keep their hippocratic oath are far and few between, and most will continue to pump their patients full of harmful chemicals, killing them slowly with each dose.

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