Friday 14 March 2014

The Hidden Results

"After careful study of the liturature and other information available to it, the American Cancer Society does not have evidence that treatment with Laetrile results in objective benefit in the treatment of cancer in human beings."
-Unproven Methods of Cancer Management, New York: American Cancer Society, 1971, p. 139

I agree, the ACS doesn't have evidence, and that's because they don't want it. Because the ACS doesn't have it, does that mean evidence does not exist, or should we seek a second opinion?

"Laetrile appears to work against many forms of cancer including lung cancer. And it is absolutely non-toxic... tests with Ehrlich ascites carcinoma [a type of cancer] revealed that, where cyanide alone killed one percent of the cells and benzaldehyde alone killed twenty percent, a combination of the two was effective against all the cells. Amygdalin [B17/Laetrile] with glucosidase [the key to unlock the B17 molecule] added also succeeded in killing 100 percent of the ascites tumor cells, due to the freeing of the same two chemicals."
-Dr. Dean Burk, "Amygdalin Claimed Nontoxi Anti-Cancer Therapeutic Agent," Infectious Diseases, Seventh International Congress of Chemotherapy in Prague, Oct. 15, 1971, p. 1 & 23

"When we add Laetrile to a cancer culture under the microscope, providing the enzyme glucosidase also is present, we can see the cancer cells dying off like flies."
-Dr. Dean Burk, "Laetrile Ban May Be Lifted," Twin Circle, June 16, 1972, p. 11

Mrs. Joanne Wilkinson, mother of six from Walnut Creek, California, was diagnosed with cancer in 1967. She had tumors effecting her left thigh, groin, hip, bladder, and kidney. Mrs. Wilkinson decided to go with Laetrile treatments. Her doctor, upset by her decision, warned her that if she did not have her left leg and part of her hip amputated soon, she would die within 12 weeks.

Here is Joanne's testimony of what happened next:
"Dr. Krebs [referring to Byron Krebs, M.D., brother of E.T. Krebs Jr.] gave me an injection of Laetrile - and the tumor reacted. It got very large - from walnut size to the size of a small lemon - and there was bleeding four or five days. I went back on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday each week for five weeks to get injections, and the tumor then started getting smaller. Five weeks later I could no longer feel it..."
(Joanne Wilkinson photo by G. Edward Griffin; Taken from World Without Cancer, Second Edition, 1997, ISBN: 0-912986-19-0)

"... An X-ray was taken the first Monday, and regularly after that to watch the progress. Injections were continued for six months - ten cc's three times a week and of course the diet: No dairy products nothing made with white flour - no eggs - but white fish, chicken, turkey.
And I felt wonderful! In fact, in August, 1969, the doctor told me I needed no more injections. My X-rays were clear, showing that the tumor had shrunk, was apparently encased in scar tissue, and was not active."
-"Laetrile - An Answer to Cancer?," Prevention, Dec, 1971, p. 172-175

(Red & Alicia Buttons photo by The Tattler; Taken from World Without Cancer, Second Edition, 1997, ISBN: 0-912986-19-0)

Red Buttons, famous comedian and actor, says his wife, Alicia, was saved by laetrile:
"Laetrile saved Alicia from cancer. Doctors here in the U.S. gave her only a few months to live last November. But now she is alive and well, a beautiful and vital wife and mother, thanks to God and to those wonderful men who have the courage to stand up for their science."
-Red Buttons, "Comedian Red Buttons Says 'Laetrile Saved My Wife From Death By Cancer,'" The National Tattler, Aug. 19, 1973, p. 5

"Dear Dr. Krebs,
Thank you for giving me another birthday (May 17). Please, again, remember November 15th, 1979, when my doctor and four other urologists gave me a maximum of four months to live with my prostate cancer, and they set up appointments for radiation and chemotherapy, which I knew would kill me if the cancer didn't, and refused their treatment. Then on Sunday afternoon I contacted you by telephone and went with your simple program.
I am 71 years old and am in my 13th year [of survival] Three of the four urologists have died with prostate cancer, and forty or fifty people are alive today, and doing very well, because they followed my "Krebs" simple program.
Thanks for giving me back my life. Your friend,
H.M. 'Bud' Robinson"
-Letter from Bud Robinson to Ernst T. Krebs, Jr., May 18, 1992

But, of course, the American Cancer Society doesn't have the evidence, and why not? It seems someone in charge does not WANT to have the evidence because today, with the connection of the internet, there are thousands of such testimonies showing positive healing results. It's not a comfortable issue for most people to consider, that there would be men so evil and wicked that they would kill millions of people to make a buck, but we are not living in a utopia fantasy, this is the real world, and when the Bible says ther root of all evil is the love of money, God's not joking.

In 1972, an extensive research program on laetrile was conducted at Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center in Manhattan under Dr. Kanematsu Sugiura, a highly respected senior laboratory researcher with over 60 years experience.
"The results clearly show that Amygdalin significantly inhibits the appearance of lung metastasis in mice bearing spontaneous mammary tumors and increases significantly the inhibition of the growth of the primary tumors... Laetrile also seemed to prevent slightly the appearance of new tumors... The improvement of health and appearance of the treated animals in comparison to controls is always a common observation... Dr. Sugiura has never observed complete regression of these tumors in all his cosmic experience with other chemotherapeutic agents."
-"A Summary of the Effect of Amygdalin Upon Spontaneous Mammary Tumors in Mice," Sloan-Kettering report, June 13, 1973; Photo by Peter Chowka; Taken from World Without Cancer, Second Edition, 1997, ISBN: 0-912986-19-0

From this report, we can see six conclusions:
1) Laetrile stopped the spreading of cancer.
2) Laetrile improved general health.
3) Laetrile inhibited the growth of tumors.
4) Laetrile provided relief from pain.
5) Laetrile acted as a cancer prevention.
6) Dr. Sugiura had never witnessed these results in any other method.

In 1976, an Israeli group of physicians did research on the results of laetrile at clinics in the USA and Mexico. When they returned, Dr. David Rubin, Surgeon and Cancer Researcher at Hadassah Hospital in Jerusalem drafted their report to the Israeli Ministry of Health. Here is the conclucion of that report:
"a. Contrary to many allegations in both the scientific and lay liturature, laetrile is not quackery.
b. Laetrile is non-tox even in very large doses.
c. Laetrile has a definite palliative [relief] effect. We cannot, at this stage of our investigations, say that it inhibits tumors, but the evidence we have suggests that it does. We must do controlled studies to rule out the possibility that prior therapies had some effect on the turmors that stopped growing. However, we doubt that the regressions we observed were due to "delayed effects" of other therapies because, in our experience, such delayed effects rarely, if ever, occur."
-Dr. David Rubin, M.D., "Use of Laetrile in the Prevention and Treatment of Cancer," Report #2, Oct 25, 1976

But the ACS says: "For twenty years, we have asked the proponents of Laetrile for scientific documentation of efficacy, but it has not been forthcoming."
-Cancer Journal for Clinicians, American Cancer Society, Jan/Feb, 1976, Vol. 26, No. 1, p. 52

Though hard for some to believe, it is obvious that those men and women who are at the top levels of the American Cancer Society must be purposefully lying to keep this quiet, or you have to believe that experiments from doctors around the world (who didn't know each other and had nothing to gain) were all a giant hoax. I believe that most of the people who work for the ACS are honest people who genuinely think they are helping others, but we can see from the above documention that the ACS been squelching the truth.

"Spokesmen for orthodox medicine - and particularly for the American Cancer Society - continue to cloak themselves in the mantle of their own prestige, deride any scientific opinion that differes from their own, and categorically denounce as absurd those things which they do not understand. Laetrile is the current victim of such scientific arrogance and ignorance."
-John A. Richardson, M.D., Laetrile Case Histories, 2005, p. 34, ISBN: 978-0-912986-38-8

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