chronic: continuing for a long time; constantly recurring
noncommunicable: not transmissible by direct contact
(See 'chronic' & 'noncommunicable' Merriam-Webster's Medical Dictionary, 2007 Merriam-Webster, Inc.)
Cancer is a chronic, noncommunicable disease. A chronic disease is a something that does not pass away with time. A common cold passes away over time, so it could not be labeled as a chronic illness. A noncommunicable disease cannot be passed on to someone else. A common cold can be passed on to other people, so it is a communicable disease, but cancer cannot be passed on through physical contact. Unlike common colds, AIDS, and other such viruses, cancer matches both of the definitions above. noncommunicable: not transmissible by direct contact
(See 'chronic' & 'noncommunicable' Merriam-Webster's Medical Dictionary, 2007 Merriam-Webster, Inc.)
There are many other chronic, noncommunicable diseases in the world, and in all records of these diseases in mankind's history, the cure was not "invented," but discovered to be a deficiency in diet. Scurvy is a famous example of this type of disease.
Until the mid 1700s, scurvy was the "cancer" of the day. The British navy was losing many of its sailors to scurvy. In 1753, James Lind published a book explaining scurvy's cure was linked to citris fruits. Almost 200 years after the cure was discovered, Vitamin C was found to be the source of the cure.
(See James Lind, A Treatise on the Scurvy, 1753, London: A. Millar)
NOTE: The cure was not discovered first by Lind, but it is a famous example. The cure had been discovered many times before and after his book.
(See Bradley S Buckler MD, Anjali Parish MD, "Scurvy" EMedicine; See also Jonathan Lamb, "Captain Cook and the Scourge of Scurvy," BBC British History, Nov 11, 2009 [])
The following is small list of chronic, noncommunicable diseases, along with natural foods that remedy those illnesses (all foods listed MUST BE ORGANICALLY GROWN or they may not contain sufficient vitamin content):
The cure for chronic, noncommunicable diseases was not invented chemically in a lab, nor by any other medical process. The cure for these diseases is not hidden in a chemical cocktail, but rather something we have removed from our diets that we were originally designed to have. These natural cures are referred to as "nutritional therapy."
Headaches, skin rashes, dizziness, soreness of joints -- all of these are symptons that indicate there is a problem in your body, but we tend to mask the symptoms, instead of fixing the problem indicated. For example, if your fuel light comes on in your vehicle, it's letting you know there is a problem: you need more gasoline. So, you have two options:
1) You can fill up your tank with gasoline. 2) You can unplug the light so your car won't tell you about the problem. Though it would be obviously foolish to unplug the light, our medicine cabinets are packed with drugs that "unplug lights." Taking an asprin only temporarily removes your headache. The headache will come back later because the cause of the symptom has not been resolved. Without these symptoms, we would not know when there was a problem, nor how to fix the source of the cause. |
(For statistics, see Cancer Statistics, 2009, American Cancer Society, CA Cancer J Clin 2009; 59:225-249 doi: 10.3322/caac.20006)
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