Yet as someone who follows and comments on developments in especially psychiatry, I frequently am struck by the faith we place in products that come with FDA approval, but a litany of unpleasant, sometimes risky side effects. When, for example, millions of men across America are willing to "double their risk of hearing loss" and jeopardize their eyesight for an erection, as recent studies warn about those routinely taking Viagra, you know that potency is something we take very seriously as a people and culture. Seriously enough to tune out such warnings and opt unthinkingly for a blue pill, rather than a wealth of natural aphrodisiacs whose effect is basically identical—minus, of course, the nasty health risks.
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The Wisdom of Nature
Being outdoors, even digging in the dirt, benefits mind and body in sometimes surprising ways.Because I also spend large amounts of time in South America, in particular Peru, from where I'm blogging this summer, cultural differences in medicine and public health can be especially striking. From here, over the last few weeks, I've been able to follow with intense interest the arguments both for and against naturally existing cancer-fighting agents, such as the leaves of the guanabana tree (hereafter known as "graviola"). From all that I've been able to investigate, from PubMed to the National Cancer Institute at the National Institutes of Health, my sense is that the leaves of this remarkably promising fruit should be getting more rather than less attention from the scientific community. Yet though in PerĂº graviola is routinely part of a cancer-fighting arsenal, along with chemotherapy, in the States the latter prevails, eclipsing more or less all other options.
As rapidly as excitement had skyrocketed, skeptics rushed to denounce the "cancer cure" as a fraud and scam afflicting the needy, the desperate, and the gullible. The Federal Trade Commission (FTC) swooped in to fine and close various businesses that had unwisely reported an ability to cure cancer. And in September 2008, Medical News Today publicized the FTC's actions, quoting its director of the Bureau of Consumer Protection, Lydia Parkes, as saying: "There is no credible scientific evidence that any of the products marketed by these companies can prevent, cure, or treat cancer of any kind" (my emphases).
The only problem with Parkes's blanket dismissal of all these elements is that, in the case of graviola at least, her claim wasn't in fact true.
In 1976, as Richard D. McCarthy, MD, reports on the encyclopedic cancer website U.S. Cancer Centers: Cancer Center Information and Research, "The NCI or the National Cancer Institute did some research on the guanabana cancer cure [sic] and came up with some interesting results. The study . . . showed that the leaves and stems of the plant were incredibly efficient at destroying certain cancerous cells in the body."
"Inexplicably," another site notes, "the results [of the NCI research] were published in an internal report and never released to the public. Since 1976, guanabana has proven to be an immensely potent cancer killer in 20 independent laboratory tests, but as of now, no double-blind clinical trials. [However], a study published in the Journal of Natural Products, following a recent study conducted at Catholic University of South Korea, stated that one chemical in guanabana was found to selectively kill colon cancer cells at '10,000 times the potency of (the commonly used chemotherapy drug) Adriamycin. '... The most significant part of the Catholic University of South Korea report is that guanabana was shown to selectively target the cancer cells, leaving healthy cells untouched."
Adds the same site, "A study at Purdue University, Indiana, recently found that leaves from the guanabana tree killed cancer cells among six human cell lines and were especially effective against prostate, pancreatic and lung cancers." The article, "Paw Paw and Cancer: Annonaceous Acetogenins from Discovery to Commercial Products," appearing in Journal of Natural Products 71.7 in 2008, was authored by Dr. Jerry L. McLaughlin of Purdue's Department of Medicinal Chemistry and Molecular Pharmacology. The journal is published by the American Chemical Society and American Society of Pharmacognosy (copyright restrictions prevent me from circulating the article in question).
On the basis of the laboratory studies quoted here, with Cancer Research UK acknowledging that "graviola extracts can kill some types of liver and breast cancer cells," you might think that such preliminary but hopeful results would at least warrant further investigation. As the site states, "we don't know yet," implying a desire for further research, but also essentially acknowledging ignorance because of the rather astonishing absence of "large-scale studies in humans."
What's startling about the reaction in the United States, by contrast, was that the FTC's action overrode the initial findings of the National Cancer Institute. Even more puzzling, the NCI, after establishing those findings, decided against publicizing them and, for reasons unclear to me, against pursuing them further. (A search on Ovid MEDLINE for "guanabana" or "graviola" and "cancer" yielded zero results; PubMed had only one result for "guanabana seed," from 1958.)
Here in Peru, by contrast, the leaves of the guanabana tree—in short, the very parts of it that both the NCI and CR determined do in fact have cancer-fighting properties—are widely considered part of a parallel set of treatments against cancer, along with chemotherapy and the removal of tumors through operations. In the case of one woman I interviewed, the former mayor of a small town (Supe) three hours north of Lima, graviola was noted by her doctor both for helping to kill cancer cells and for greatly boosting the immune system, itself a common victim of chemo, which destroys more than just cancer cells. In both cases, science supports his recommendation.
After an operation to remove a cancerous tumor in one of her ovaries, the woman (whose information I am relaying with her permission) was given a combined treatment of chemotherapy and a dietary supplement of graviola, to be taken three times a day (either sprinkled onto food or taken as a tea with boiling water, always in consultation with a doctor or oncologist). One year later, after she had battled intense side effects from chemo—including hairloss, skin damage, and nausea—she wasn't just in remission. Her cancer had completely disappeared. It remains gone to this day, two years later.
Although it is impossible in this case to distinguish clearly where the effects of chemo ended and those of graviola began, a carefully administered large-scale human trial could control for that variable. My point, then, is not to state or even imply that graviola is a "cure" for cancer. Following the science, I am instead urging that the States and other countries fund and advance such research, owing precisely to the initial findings of the National Cancer Institute and, more recently, of Purdue's Cancer Center.
In Peru, to point up the differences and give readers more information, a major chain, Bionaturista, with stores across the capital and surrounding country, grinds the guanabana leaves into powder under laboratory conditions, with all equipment carefully sterilized, and exports it to a client-base around the world. The relevant link in English to the chain is here; the page about exporting to clients abroad (with an email address for inquiries) here. The chain is one of Peru's largest exporters—not bad for a country whose enviable economic boom is owing partly to its vast natural reserves of minerals (chiefly silver, gold, and copper) and natural gas.
Nor, I should add, is graviola alone among natural products in having anticancer properties. In 2006, to cite Wikipedia, "a research team from the Ben Gurion University in Israel found that lemongrass (Cymbopogon citratus) also caused apoptosis (programmed cell death) in cancer cells." A key ingredient in especially Thai cuisine, lemongrass—which is widely and inexpensively available across South-East Asia, South America, and in certain Western stores and supermarkets—is also routinely used as a delicious, healthful tea. Its potency in killing cancer cells dwarfs, however, in comparison with that of graviola.
In urging that a lot more funding and research go into investigating why graviola kills certain kinds of malignant cancer cells, apparently I risk the ire of the FTC's Bureau of Consumer Protection. But rather than give a blanket dismissal of graviola and guanabana, perhaps the FTC should heed the findings of both the NCI and Cancer Research UK and look into this further. The health of millions of cancer sufferers and survivors around the world quite clearly depends on it.
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