Monday 10 March 2014

What about the tobacco industry?

The tobacco industry makes billions of dollars from selling a major cancer causing product. Furthermore, the government makes additional billions from taxes on tobacco products. If there was ever a case where money was going to hide the facts about a product then this would be it.
But has that happened? No. In Australia, cigarette boxes are covered with warnings like “Smoking Kills”and “Smoking is addictive” and advertising of tobacco products is totally banned. In fact the government spends millions of dollars educating the population about the dangers of smoking.
There is evidence that initial research performed by tobacco companies was suppressed, so indeed these companies have certainly acted unethically and immorally. But despite the fact that these businesses and the government make billions out of the industry, the truth was not suppressed for long. If anything, this case demonstrates that even when both big business and government have vast financial interests in hiding the truth, it simply can't be done.

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