Friday 14 March 2014

The Pharmaceutical Takeover

Before discussing the suppression of the cure for cancer, we need to understand some facts about the Rockafeller takeover of American medicine. Today, most doctors do not promote physical health as much as they promote pharmaceutical drugs, and to find out why, we need to start with Pillsbury.

A man named Fred Gates invented a brilliant and deceptive "philanthropic" campaign method you may be familiar with. Gates had Mr. Pillsbury give $50,000 to the Owatonna Baptist Academy, on the condition that the baptist community raise an equal amount. Though half of the resulting $100,000 dollars in donated funds came from the community, the entire project was personally credited to Mr. Pillsbury, even though he did almost nothing. This process of "matching donations" is a public relations tactic to cover the malicious business practices of many monopolies today.
(For more on the Rockefeller-Gates connection, see Jules Abels, The Rockefeller Billions: The Story of the World's Most Stupendous Fortune, published Macmillan, 1965)

Think about it for a moment, what benefits will Pillsbury receive for this tactic?

1. Pillsbury gets full credit for a donated dollar amount at half the price.
2. Pillsbury now has an entire community of hard-working, dedicated volunteers to raise half of the money at no cost.
3. Pillsbury will get an enormous amount of free advertising. As volunteers go door-to-door asking for donations, the company name will have to be mentioned in their pitch as the "matching donator." Not only word of mouth advertising, but also physical banners will carry the company name, all at the cost of the public, rather than the corporation.
4. Pillsbury will see a rise in sales. Often, if a consumer supports a certain non-profit organization, they will switch product brands to the company that donates to that organization.
There is a way which seemeth right unto a man, but the end thereof are the ways of death.
=Proverbs 14:12
It doesn't matter how charitable they look, Pillsbury was NOT in it for the charity; this was a low-cost advertising campaign that improved their company's public image, using the public's own money and goodwill against them. Today, you can see these type of deceptive matching-donation charity campaings going on EVERYWHERE! At the time Pillsbury was deceiving the public, the Rockefellers' industries were also despised and hated by the public, and Rockefeller Sr. was even advised to get pictures of himself giving away dimes to children as a way of improving his public self image.

(Photo by Photoworld & U.P.I.; Taken from World Without Cancer, Second Edition, 1997, ISBN: 0-912986-19-0)

During John Rockefeller's dilemma with the public, Fred Gates's brilliant ruse seemed like the perfect answer:
"Fred Gates was a wonderful business man... Now I realized that I had met a commercial genius."
-John D. Rockefeller Sr., quoted by John K. Winkler, John D.-A Portrait in Oils, 1929, p. 177

These so-called "philanthropic" methods soon expanded into large charity organizations, and many well-known organziations could be mentioned here, but a specific major player is The American Cancer Society. Before anyone starts calling me names and condemning me, please keep in mind, there are many pure-intentioned people that donate to the ACS, and a lot of volunteers that honestly think they are doing the right thing, but the men who rule over the organzation are corrupt to the core, and each one of those volunteers and donators are being deceived and used.

The American Cancer Society was formed officially in 1913 at the Harvard Club in New York. The original board of directors were made up of men like Alfred P. Sloan (General Motors), Monroe Rathbone (Standard Oil), and Charles D. Hilles (AT&T), just to name a few.
It is important to note that the ACS owns half the patent rights to certain "acceptable" cancer drugs, which means if you want those drugs, you have pay for it, and that money goes back into the hands of the ACS, which simply puts money right back into the hands of the major cartel-owning families of the world.
The true goal of these organizations, off the books, is for profit, not widespread charity. For example, one of the drug patents is for 5FU (5 fluorouracil), a commonly used drug in the treatment of cancer, is manufactured by Hoffman-LaRoche Laboratories, and is owned by the I.G.-Rockefeller cartel.
"Many donors to the ACS would be outraged to learn that the organization has a vested interest in the sale of drugs and a financial tie-in with the drug industry."
-G. Edward Griffin, World Without Cancer, 18th Edition, March 2006, p. 258, ISBN 0-912986-19-0; For more details on the corporate corruption p. 211-226

Though that information may be shocking to some, it doesn't end there because Americans today are still unaware of Rockefeller's vile takeover of the American medical schools. In 1890, the Baptist University of Chicago received $600,000 of donation, under the condition that they raise $400,000. (Rockefeller given full credit for the entire donation of course) Within a year after this donation, Rockefeller's chosen candidate, Dr. William Rainey Harper, was named president of the university. Within two years, all anti-Rockefeller teaching staff were removed, and replaced with those who would seek after John D. Rockefeller's ideals. After the school takeover, Rockefeller was praised by the staff, including one professor of economics, Dr. Gunton, who said that Rockefeller was "superior in creative genius to Shakespeare, Homer and Dante."
(See Matthew Josephson, The Robber Barrons, 1934, p. 324, ISBN 0-15-676790-2)

This three-step pattern was repeated in all the major medical schools in the country.
1. Get other people to pay a large percentage of the cost.
2. Receive a positive public image boost.
3. Gain control over the foundation of a school or organization, often times, putting one of Rockefeller's agents in a powerful seat on the board of directors.

I would very much like to give a lot more details and examples, but it would take many novels to write out an overview of the conspiracy and deception of cartels that rule over this country today. If you wish to investigate this further, here is some recommended reading:
*Dr. John Coleman, Conspirators' Hierarchy: The Story of the Committee of 300, 1992, ISBN 0-922356-57-2
*Dave Breese, 7 Men Who Rule the World from the Grave, 1990, ISBN 978-0-8024-8448-2
*Des Griffin, Fourth Reich of the Rich, 1976, ISBN 0-941380-06-8

The true cure for cancer remains hidden by a small minority at the top due to the paid influence and media pressure by corrupt medical and political figures attempting to look good in the public eye.

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