Friday 14 March 2014

The Cure for Cancer

"Why haven't I heard of this?" That's what you're thinking, right? That's what exactly what went through my mind when I first read about this. Due to the influence of television and other mainstream media, I had always thought the cure for cancer was yet to be discovered, and the person who finds the cure will be famous and wealthy, but I did not realize how wrong and naive I was.

My heart aches when I hear that someone has cancer, and though I want to help, I am general outcasted by others for talking about this issue. Because of that, I hope that by writing this article, those with a passion to find truth and knowledge can be saved from the horrible pains awaiting those who currently believe cures are in horribly deadly radiation "therapies."

I am not a medical professional, nor does this article constitute medical advise in the legal arena. Research the referenced documents for yourself and make your own educated decision about your health and the health of your family.

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