Wednesday 12 March 2014

A Significant Herbal Breakthrough for Cancer, Diabetes, Stroke, Hepatitis, Hypertension, Osteoporosis, Cholesterol, Arthritis, Heart Disease and HIV/AIDS.

herbal cancer treatment - alternative medicineThe healing properties of Buah Merah were discovered quite by accident. It was Dr. I Made Budi MSc who made the link between Buah Merah and the fact that the Papuans and the Wamena people had a very negligible incidence of cancer, hepatitis, hypertension, stroke, diabetes and heart diseases. After conducting several tests to ascertain the properties of Buah Merah, it was found that the fruit contained Beta-carotene, Antioxidants, Omega 9 and Omega 3, all of which help to increase the resistance of the body.
"In Jayapura I had experienced advantageous of buah merah, namely to cure brain cancer, baby’s lungs spots, breast cancer, womb cancer, womb tumor, eye irritation, blind, heart disease, lungs disease, weakness, and powerless. After the cancer patients consumed buah merah extract, then had laboratory checked, and the result was amazing. Actually prior to consume buah merah extract, the patients was very painful. Now the cancer patients is fresh and fit ", Drs. Made MSc (Balinese) said.
The Advantage of Red Fruit Oil / Buah Merah Oil:
  1. Red fruit oil is safe, can be used in a long term
  2. Red fruit oil is 100% natural - no side effects
  3. Our red fruit oil product has been approved by the FDA Indonesia (No.Reg. POM TR. 053 642 731)
  4. It is proven to boost immune system
  5. Not too expensive but It can bring best results
  6. It can be integrated with medical treatment
  7. Unlike the chemos, it kills the bad without harming the good
  8. Natural cures, better living

Buah Merah ( red fruit ) has become popular as a new miracle medicine
natural cancer cures natural cancer treatment
Cancer is caused by abnormal cell growth. The beta-carotene and tocopherol in Buah Merah act as antioxidants and enhance the immune system of the body by working to prevent the growth of cancer cells. This is why Buah Merah is being called the new alternative cancer treatment.
Cancer type: breast cancer, lung cancer, liver cancer, prostate cancer, thyroid cancer and ovarian cancer.
Diabetes Mellitus
The blood-sugar level is increased when the pancreas gland is unable to produce much-needed insulin, giving rise to Diabetes Mellitus. The tocopherol in Buah Merah helps improve the performance of the pancreas, thus helping to prevent this condition.
Hypertension, Stroke, and Heart Disease
Obesity, lack of exercise, smoking and excessive alcohol consumption could lead to hypertension, which is often accompanied by heart disease and stroke. The tocopherol present in Buah Merah helped dilute the blood enabling the smooth circulation of blood to the different parts of the body. The beta-carotene in Buah Merah slowed down the blockage in the arteries, helping smooth flow of blood to the heart and the brain.
The high natural antioxidant content in Buah Merah increased CD4 levels and helped boost the immune system of HIV patients.
Hepatitis B and C could develop into liver cancer or cirrhosis if not cured. The antivirus and antioxidants in Buah Merah help prevent formation of cancer cells and also speed up regeneration of liver cells.
High cholesterol levels led to narrowing and hardening of the blood vessels. The Buah Merah oil help neutralize blood cholesterol.
Buah Merah is calcium rich and contains about 55.000 mg per 100 gram. It supplies the bones with much-needed calcium that can help prevent osteoporosis, which is primarily caused by lack of calcium.
Eye Obstruction
Beta-cartone, which is provitamin A gets converted into vitamin A in the body and helps cure eye obstruction that is caused due to lack of vitamin A.
Improving Sexual Desire and Fertility
People who consume Buah Merah oil notice an increase in sexual desire. Fertility in men as well as women is also increased due to the tocopherol and the vitamin E that is present in the fruit.

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